
Are you interested in teaching at LEAFS? Or perhaps running a solar, facilitating a round table discussion, or coordinating a materials swap-meet.

We are accepting up to three classes per person. Priority scheduling will be given to those people who submit the form before March 1, 2025. We will attempt to honor everyone’s scheduling desires; depending on the number of submitted classes and available time slots and locations, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to teach all of your classes. While we will continue to accept class submissions after March 1, we cannot guarantee their inclusion.

We welcome a wide range of class submissions; whether it is a class to hone your horseback riding skill, a native fauna/flora walk, an armor or weapons making class, a discussion about archaeology, or pigments from nature, or something else entirely — if it can be tied to equestrian, agriculture, forestry, or coursing, we welcome it. If you aren’t sure if it is a suitable topic, reach out to the relevant Activity or Track Leader.

University of Atlantia Credit

The University of Atlantia has approved that class credit is possible for participants at LEAFS. To do this, it will be necessary for all teachers to take attendance at their class, and for the attendance information to be given to the University Registrar within 30 days after the class is completed. The core LEAFS staff will communicate to teachers how to give us your rosters before leaving LEAFS. Core LEAFS staff will send all of the roster information to the University Registrar on the behalf of instructors.  

The University has a sample roster form that LEAFS will have printed copies of available at the event. If you desire to fill out your information on the roster form before the event, feel free to download the PDF and bring it with you.

Full Class List/Schedule

When it is ready, we will put the full class list here, along with the planned schedule for the event. You can see the classes broken out by track on their activity pages